Dr. Cheng's Lab Since 2011
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FST-Lab 424


My name is CHENG Kuan-Chen (鄭光成), receiving my Ph.D. degree of agricultural and biological engineering at The Penn State University in 2010. I have more than 20 years of research experiences in the areas of microbial bioprocessing and fermentation.
I am now a professor in the Graduate Institute of Food Science and Technology, National Taiwan University since Aug, 2019. Before I returned to Taiwan, I was offered as a research associate in the Chemical and Environmental Engineering Dept. at The University of Arizona, where I also conducted research for the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts (NAABB). I am now an active member of the Taiwan Association for Food Science and Technology (台灣食科學會), Agricultural Chemical Society of Taiwan (台灣農化學會), the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), Taiwan Association for Food Protection (台灣食品保護協會), IFT and the honor societies Gamma Sigma Delta (agricultural) and Alpha Epsilon (agricultural, food, and biological engineering).
Research interests: Food biotechnology; Fermentation; Biomedical materials; Cosmeceuticals; Gut microflora
Download my CV: link (2023.02)