Dr. Cheng's Lab
研究成果 (Publication)
Wu, CN and Cheng, KC*. Strong, thermal-stable, flexible, and transparent films by self-assembled TEMPO-oxidized bacterial cellulose nanofibers. 2017. Cellulose. (DOI: 10.1007/s10570-016-1114-8)
Chen, Chieh-Ting§, Kuan-I Chen§, Hsin-Han Chiang, Yu-Kuo Chen and Cheng, KC*. Improvement on physical properties of pullulan films by cross-linking strategy. 2017. J Food Sci. (Accept)
Kimura, S, Tung, YC, Pan, MH, Su, NW, Lai, YJ*, Cheng, KC*. Black garlic: a critical review on its production, bioactivity and application. 2017. J Food Drug Anal. (Accept)
Lo, KY, Tseng, TN, Lin, SP, Liu, JM, Shih, TY, Cheng, KC*. Evaluation of PVA/dextran/chitosan hydrogel in wound dressing. 2017. Carbohydrate Polymers. (under review)
Yang, WC, Hsu, TC, Cheng, KC*, Liu, JR*. Expression of the Clonostachys rosea lactonohydrolase gene by Lactobacillus reuteri to increase its zearalenone-removing ability. 2017. Microbial Cell Factories. 16:69.
Lin, SP, Kung, HN, Tsai, YS, Tseng, TN, Hsu, KD, Cheng, KC*. Novel dextran modified bacterial cellulose hydrogel accelerating cutaneous wound healing. 2017. XXX (under review)
Lin, PH; Liu, JM; Chang, FW; Cheng, KC; Lin, YC; Chang, YH; Pang, ST; Wang, HW; Hsu, RJ*; The Meteorological Impact on Female Urinary Tract Infection in Taiwan: A Population-Based Study. 2017. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. (Under review).
Chang, FW; Liu, YP; Ho, TW; Cheng, KC; Hsu, RJ*; Liu, JM*; Tocolysis with ritodrine for preterm labor as a risk factor for postpartum depression in Taiwan: A 14-year nationwide population-based study. 2017. American Journal of Gynecology and Obsteriology. (under review)
Huang, YT, Lin, SP, Hsu, KD, Cheng, KC*. Development of pullulan bioactive packaging and evaluation on frozen tilapia fillets. 2017. Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science (in Chinese) (Accept)
Chen Jung-Yueh, Jui-Ming Liu, Fung-Wei Chang, Kuan-Chen Cheng, Chia-Lun Yeh, Yu Feng Wei, Ren-Jun Hsu. Scabies increased the risk and severity of COPD: a nationwide population-based study. 2016. (under review)
Liu Jui-Ming, Hsiao-Wei Wang, Fung-Wei Chang, Kuan-Chen Cheng, Yi-Chun Lin,Yu-Lung Chang, Ren-Jun Hsu. The Effects of Climate Factors on Scabies Infections in Taiwan: A 14-year Population-Based Study. 2016. (under review)
Lin, SP; Huang, YH; Hsu, KD; Lai, YJ; Chen, YK; Cheng, KC*; Isolation and identification of cellulose-producing strain Komagataeibacter intermedius from fermented fruit juice. 2016. Carbohydrate Polymers. (10.1016/j.carbpol.2016.06.032)
Hsu, KD; Chen, HJ; Wang, CS; Lum, CC; Wu, SP., Lin, SP; Cheng, KC*; Extract of Ganoderma formosanum mycelium as a highly potent tyrosinase inhibitor. 2016. Scientific Reports. (Accpet)
Hsu, KD; Wu, SP; Lin, SP; Cheng, KC*; Optimization of medium composition for extracellular polysaccharide production from Ganoderma formosanum using response surface methodology. 2016. J Food Drug Anal. (Accpet)
Chang, FW; Liu, YP; Yang, JJ; Lin, YC; Cheng, KC; Hsu, RJ*; Liu, JM*; Relationship between economic conditions and postpartum depression in Taiwan – a nationwide population-based study. 2016. Journal of Affective Disorder (under review)
Liu, JM; Chang, FW; Liu, YP; Cheng, KC; Chan, HH; Ho, TW; Yang, JJ; Hsu, RJ*; Antepartum urinary tract infection and postpartum depression in Taiwan – a nationwide population-based study. 2016. Journal of Affective Disorder 204:174-179.
Huang, CN; Lin, CP, Hsieh, FC; Lee, SK; Cheng, KC; Liu, CT*; Characterization and evaluation of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain WF02 regarding its biocontrol activities and genetic responses against bacterial wilt in two different resistant tomato cultivars. 2016. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. (under review)
Liu, JM; Lin, PH; Hsu, RJ; Chang, YH; Cheng, KC; Pang, ST; Lin, SK*; Complementary Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy Improves Survival in Patients with Metastatic Prostate Cancer. 2016. Medicine (In press)
Wu, SY; Sun, YS; Cheng, KC and Lo, KY*; A wound-healing assay based on ultraviolet light ablation. 2016. Journal of Laboratory Automation (Accepted)
Ho, JY; Chang, FW; Liu, JM; Liu, YP; Chen, SP; Liu, YL; Cheng, KC; Yu, CP; Hsu, RJ*; Estrogen Enhances the Cell Viability and Motility of Breast Cancer Cells through the ERα-ΔNp63-Integrin β4 Signaling Pathway. 2016. PLos One. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148301)
Lee, SK; Lur, HS; Lo, KJ; Cheng, KC; Chuang, CC; Tang, SJ; Yang, ZW; Liu, CT*; Evaluation of the effects of different liquid inoculant formulations on the survival and plant growth-promoting efficiency of Rhodopseudomonas palustris strain PS3. 2016. Appl Microl Biotechnol (Accepted)
Liu, CT§; Erh, MH§; Lin, SP; Lo, KY; Chen, KI; Cheng, KC*; Enrichment of Two Isoflavone Aglycones in Black Soymilk by Rhizopus oligosporus NTU 5 in a Plastic Composite Support Bioreactor. 2016. J Sci Food Agric. (doi: 10.1002/jsfa.7569)
Hsieh, SC§; Liu, JM§; Pua, XH; Ting, Y; Hsu, RJ; Cheng, KC*; Optimization of Lactobacillus acidophilus cultivation using taro waste and evaluation of its biological activity. 2016. Appl Microb Biotechnol. 100(6):2629-2639.
Liu, JM§; Yu, TC§; Lin, SP; Hsu, RJ; Cheng, KC*; Evaluation of kojic acid production in a repeated-batch PCS biofilm reactor. 2016. J Biotechnol 218(20):41-48.
Wu, WH§; Hung, WC§; Chen, YH; Lo, KY; Cheng, KC*; Bioethanol Production from Taro Waste Using Thermo-tolerance Yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus K21. 2016. Bioresour. Technol. 201:27-32.
Lin, SP§; Liu, CT§; Hsu, KD; Hung, YT; Shih TY; Cheng, KC*; Production of bacterial cellulose with various additives in PCS rotating disk bioreactor and its material properties analysis. 2016. Cellulose 23(1):367-377.
Chen, KI; Yao, Y; Chen, HJ; Lo, YC; Yu, RC; Cheng, KC*. Hydrolysis of isoflavone in black soymilk by immobilized β-Glucosidase using cellulose bead as solid carrier. 2016. J Food Drug Anal (Accepted)
Lin, PH; Lin, SK; Hsu, RJ; Cheng, KC; Liu, JM*; The use and the prescription pattern of traditional Chinese medicine among urolithiasis patients in Taiwan: a population-based study. 2016. J Altern. Comple. Medicine. 22(1):88-95.
Ting, Y; Liu, CT; Lo, KY; Cheng, KC*; Conceptual design of an industrial-scale plant for ethanol production from by-products of sweet potato processing. 2016. Intl J Biotechnol Bioeng, 1(1): 1-12.
1. Hung, YT; Liu, CT; Peng, IC; Hsu, C; Yu, RC; Cheng, KC*; The implementation of HACCP management system in peanut butter
ice cream plant. 2015. J Food Drug Anal 23:509-515.
2. Chiang, HH; Chen, KI; Liu, CT; Hsieh, SC; Cheng, KC*; Soymilk isoflavone conversion prediction by adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference
system. 2015. T-ASABE 58(6): 1853-1860
Lu, J; Pua, XH; Liu, CT; Chang, CL; Cheng, KC*; The implementation of HACCP management system in chocolate ice cream plant.
2014. J Food Drug Anal 22:391-398.
Lin, SP; Hsieh, SC; Chen, KI; Demirci, A; Cheng, KC*; Semi-continuous bacterial cellulose production in a rotating disk bioreactor
and its materials properties analysis. 2014. Cellulose 21(1):835-844.
Cheng, KC; Ren, M; Ogden, KL; Statistical optimization of culture media for growth and lipid production of Chlorella protothecoides
UTEX 250. 2013 Biores Technol. 128:44-48.
Huang, YT; Cheng, KC; Yu, RC; Chou, CC*; Effect of ethanol shock pretreatment on the tolerance of Cronobacter sakazakii BCRC
13988 exposed to subsequent lethal stresses. 2013. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 10(2):165-170.
Chen, KI; Lo, YC; Liu, CW; Yu, RC; Cheng, KC*; Enrichment of two isoflavone aglycones in black soymilk by using coffee grounds as
an immobilizer for b-glucosidase. 2013. Food Chem 139:79-85.
Cheng, KC*; Wu, JY; Lin, JT; Liu, WH; Isoflavone conversion of black soybean under solid state fermentation by Rhizopus spp.
2013. Eur Food Res Technol 236:1107-1113.
Lin, SP; Calvar, IL; Catchmark, JM; Liu, JR; Demirci, A; Cheng, KC*; Biosynthesis, production and applications of bacterial cellulose.
2013. Cellulose 20:2191-2219.
Pua, XH; Lee, MC; Hsieh, SC; Yu, TC; Cheng, KC*; Conceptual design of an industrial-scale plant for ethanol production from taro
waste. 2013. Taiwanese Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food Science 51:176-187.
Chen, KI; Erh, MH; Su, NW; Liu, WH; Chou, CC; Cheng, KC*; Soyfoods and soybean products: from traditional use to modern
applications. 2012. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 96(1):9-22.
Chen, KI; Lo, YC; Su, NW; Chou, CC; Cheng, KC* Enrichment of two isoflavone aglycones in black soymilk by immobilized
β-glucosidase on solid carriers. 2012. J Agric Food Chem 60(51):12540-6.
Cheng, KC; Demirci, A; Catchmark, JM; Continuous pullulan fermentation by Aureobasidium pullulans in a PCS biofilm reactor.
2011. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 90 (3):921-927.
Cheng, KC; Lin, JT; Liu, WH; Extracts from fermented black soybean by immobilized Rhizopus oligosporous exhibit both
antioxidative and cytotoxic activities. 2011 Food Technol. Biotech. 49(1):111-117.
Cheng, KC; Demirci, A; Catchmark, JM; Evaluation of medium composition and cultivation parameters on pullulan production by
Aureobasidium pullulans. 2011. Food Sci. Technol. Intl. 17(2):99-109.
Cheng, KC; Demirci, A; Catchmark, JM; Puri, MV; Effects of initial ammonium sulfate concentration on batch kinetics of pullulan
production. 2011. J. Food Eng. 103:115-122.
Cheng, KC; Catchmark, JM; Demirci, A; Effects of CMC addition on bacterial cellulose production in a biofilm reactor and its paper
sheets analysis. 2011. Biomacromolecules. 12(3):730-736.
Cheng, KC, KL Ogden, Algal biofuels: the research. Chem. Eng. Prog. 2011. 107:42-47.
Cheng, K. C., A. Demirci and JM Catchmark, Pullulan: biosynthesis, production, and applications. 2011 Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 92(1):29-44.
Satyanarayan, RSD, KC Cheng, and A Demirci. Electrolyzed oxidizing water technology. 2011. Resource Magazine of American Society of
Agricultural Engineers. September/October:12-13.
Cheng, KC; Lin, JT; Wu, JY; Liu, WH; Isoflavone conversion of black soybean by immobilized Rhizopus spp. 2010. Food Biotechnol.
Cheng, KC; Demirci, A; Catchmark, JM; Enhanced pullulan production in a biofilm reactor by using response surface methodology.
2010. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 37:587-594.
Cheng, KC; Demirci, A; Catchmark, JM; Puri, MV; Modeling of pullulan fermentation by using a color variant strain of
Aureobasidium pullulans. 2010. J Food Eng.98:353-359.
Cheng, KC; Demirci, A; Catchmark, JM; Advances in biofilm reactors for production of value-added products. 2010. Appl. Microbiol.
Biotechnol. 87:445-456.
Cheng, KC; Demirci, A; Catchmark, JM; Current knowledge of pullulan – from a production aspect. 2010. Curr. Top. Biotechnol. 5:29-48.
Cheng, KC; Catchmark, JM; Demirci, A; Bacterial cellulose – from an application aspect. 2010. Curr. Top. Biotechnol. 5:1-20.
Cheng, KC; Catchmark, JM; Demirci, A; Enhanced production of bacterial cellulose by using biofilm reactor and its material
property analysis. 2009. J. Bio. Eng. 3:12
Cheng, KC; Catchmark, JM; Demirci, A; Effect of different additives on bacterial cellulose production by Acetobacter xylinum and
analysis of material property. 2009. Cellulose.16:1033-1045.
Cheng, KC; Demirci, A; Catchmark, JM; Effects of plastic composite support and pH profiles on pullulan production in a biofilm
reactor. 2009. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 86:853-861.
Yang, CH; Cheng, KC; Liu, WH; Optimization of medium composition for production of extracellular amylase by Thermobifida
fusca using response surface methodology. 2003. Food Sci. Agric. Chem. 5:35-40.
1. Lin, SP; Cheng, KC* (2015); Introduction of bacterial cellulose and its application in wound care. Industrial Materials 341:143-149.
Cheng, KC, Satyanarayan, RSD, Bialka, KL, and Demirci, A. (2012) ; Electrolyzed oxidizing water for food decontamination.
In Food decontamination: novel methods and applications. A. Demirci and M. Ngadi, Eds. Woodhead Publishing. Cambridge, UK. pp. 563-591.
1. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Liu Wen-Hsiung (2005); Development of Functional Fermented Foods from Black Soybean by Submerged Culture
of Rhizopus spp. Health Food Society Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. (Chinese publication)
2. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Chen Sung-Fang (2005); Enrichment of phosphoprotein for high throughput proteomic analysis. ITRI Biotechnology
Forum, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan.
3. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Ali Demirci, Jeffrey M Catchmark (2008); Effect of different additives on bacterial cellulose production by
Acetobacter xylinum and its material property analysis. ASABE Paper No. 08-056. Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Conference (NABEC), Aberdeen, MA. 35 pp.
4. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Jeffrey M Catchmark, Ali Demirci (2009); Effect of temperature, carbon source, yeast extract, and pH on pullulan
production by Aureobasidium pullulans. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Paper No. 096033. American
Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, MI. 48 pp.
5. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Jeffrey M Catchmark, Ali Demirci (2009); Enhanced Production of Bacterial Cellulose under Agitated Condition
and its Material Property Analysis. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Paper No. 095975. American Society of
Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, MI. 48 pp.
6. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Ali Demirci, Jeffrey M Catchmark (2009); Enhanced Production of Bacterial Cellulose Production by Using
Biofilm Reactor and its Material Property Analysis. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Paper No. 095976.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, MI. 48 pp.
7. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Jeffrey M Catchmark, Ali Demirci (2009); Enhanced Production of Bacterial Cellulose by using Biofilm Reactor
and its Material Property Analysis. ASABE Paper No. 08-038. Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference (NABEC),
2009, Nova Scotia, Canada. 32 pp.
8. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Ali Demirci, Jeffrey M Catchmark (2009); Enhanced Pullulan Production in the Batch Fermentation by
Aureobasidium pullulans. ASABE Paper No. 09-037. Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference (NABEC), 2009, Nova
Scotia, Canada. 32 pp.
9. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Ali Demirci, Jeffrey M Catchmark (2010); Enhanced bacterial cellulose production in biofilm reactor by
using carboxylmethyl cellulose supplemented medium. Institute of Biological Engineering 15th Annual Conference (IBE 2010),
Boston, MA, 14 pp.
10. Cheng, Kuan‐Chen, Jeffrey M. Catchmark, Virendra M. Puri, Ali Demirci (2010); Effects of Ammonium Sulfate Concentration on
Pullulan Production by Aureobasidium pullulans. Institute of Biological Engineering 15th Annual Conference (IBE 2010), Boston, MA, 14 pp.
11. Cheng, Kuan‐Chen, Jeffrey M. Catchmark, Virendra M. Puri, Ali Demirci (2010); Modeling of pullulan production with variant
ammonium sulfate concentrations by Aureobasidium pullulans. The 13th Annual Environmental Chemistry Student Symposium. The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 65 pp.
12. Cheng, Kuan‐Chen, Jeffrey M. Catchmark, Ali Demirci (2010); Enhanced pullulan production in a biofilm reactor by using response
surface methodology. College of Engineering Research Symposium 2010. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, pp. 17.
13. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Ali Demirci and Jeffrey M Catchmark (2010); Effects of plastic composite support and pH profiles on pullulan
production in a biofilm reactor. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Paper No. 1008674. American Society of
Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, MI. 49 pp.
14. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Jeffrey M Catchmark, Ali Demirci (2010); Enhanced pullulan production in a biofilm reactor by using response
surface methodology. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Paper No. 1008675. American Society of
Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, MI. 36 pp.
15. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Ali Demirci, Jeffrey M Catchmark and Virendra M Puri (2010); Modeling of pullulan fermentation by using a color
variant strain of Aureobasidium pullulans. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Paper No. 1008676.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, MI. 29 pp.
16. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Ali Demirci and Jeffrey M Catchmark (2011); Continuous pullulan fermentation in a PCS biofilm reactor. American
Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Paper No. 1110434. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, MI. 28 pp.
17. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Jeffrey M Catchmark, Ali Demirci (2011); Bacterial cellulose production in a biofilm reactor and CMC/wood pulp paper
sheets analysis. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Paper 1110436. American Society of Agricultural
Engineers. St. Joseph, MI. 21 pp.
18. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Ming Ren and Kimberly L. Ogden (2011); Medium Optimization for Enhanced Lipid Production by Chlorella
protothecoides UTEX25. American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChe) Paper No. 62d. American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
New York, NY. 153 pp.
19. Erh, Mei-Hui, Kuan-chen Cheng (2013); Studies on isoflavone deglycosylation and bioactivities in black soymilk fermented by
Rhizopus oligosporus NTU-5 in a PCS bioreactor. ASABE Paper No. 13-058. Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Conference (NABEC), 2013, Nova Scotia, Canada. 7 pp.
20. Yao, Yijun, Kuan-Chen Cheng (2013); Immobilized Glucosidase for Isoflavone Deglycosylation in Black Soymilk. ASABE Paper
No. 13-059. Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference (NABEC), 2013, Nova Scotia, Canada. 7 pp.
21. 黃奕尊、鄭光成 (2015)。Development of a pullulan bioactive packaging system to extend shelf life of frozen tilapia fillets。
Poster #: 1112, p-23,Biomaterials International, June 1-5, Kenting, Taiwan.
1. Nene Meltem Keklik, Kuan-Chen Cheng, Irfan Turhan (2008); An industrial-scale plant design for ethanol production from sugar
beet molasses by Sacchromyces cerevisiae. Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference (NABEC) conference. 28 pp.
2. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Norzawani Buang M Yassin, Christine Heather Chicoski (2009); A second thought- Does biofuel really help our
environment? Final exhibition of Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology (BIOTC 459). The Pennsylvania State University, University
Park, PA.
3. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Jeffrey M Catchmark, Ali Demirci (2009); Enhanced production of bacterial cellulose by using biofilm reactor and its
material property analysis Gamma Sigma Delta Undergraduate and Graduate Annual Research Expo, College of Agricultural Sciences, The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. (2nd place)
4. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Jeffrey M Catchmark, Ali Demirci (2009); Enhanced production of bacterial cellulose by using PCS biofilm reactor
and its materials property analysis. 2009 Graduate Exhibition, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
5. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Gulten Izmirlioglu, Gozde Ari Tuysuz (2009); A HACCP plan for chocolate ice cream production. Paper No. 095994.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASABE) Conference. 26 pp.
6. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Jeffrey M Catchmark, Ali Demirci (2010); Enhanced pullulan production in a PCS biofilm reactor by using
response surface methodology. Gamma Sigma Delta Undergraduate and Graduate Annual Research Expo, College of Agricultural
Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
7. Cheng, Kuan‐Chen, Jeffrey M. Catchmark, Ali Demirci (2010); College of Engineering Research Symposium 2010. The Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA, pp. 8.
8. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Ali Demirci and Jeffrey M Catchmark (2011); Continuous pullulan fermentation in a PCS biofilm reactor.
Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference (NABEC) conference. #11-009, 8 pp.
9. Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Jeffrey M Catchmark, Ali Demirci (2011); Effects of CMC Addition on Bacterial Cellulose Production in a Biofilm
Reactor and Its Paper Sheets Analysis. Northeast Agricultural and Biological Engineering Conference (NABEC) conference
(#11-008). 1 pp.
10.Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Ali Demirci (2012); Continuous pullulan fermentation in a PCS biofilm reactor. (#285-01). International Food
Technologist, IFT12 Annual Meeting, 110 pp, NV, USA
11. Lin, Shin-Ping, Cheng, Kuan-Chen* (2012); Bacterial cellulose production by Gluconacetobacter xylinum in the rotating PCS semi-
continuous bioreactor and its materials property analysis. 2012 Mini Symposium Frontiers in Biotechnology, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan.
12. Yijun Yao, Roch-Chui Yu*, Kuan-Chen Cheng* (2012); Immobilized β-glucosidase for isoflavone deglycosylation in black soymilk. Cross-
Strait Food Nutrition and Safety Meeting. pp. 17. Jiangnan University, Jiangsu, PRC.
13.姚軼俊、游若篍、鄭光成 (2013); 以固定化 b-glucosidase 技術快速轉換黑豆奶中之異黃酮。第51屆台灣農業化學會。
14.余美慧、鄭光成(2013); 利用PCS生物反應器以Rhizopus oligosporus NTU 5進行黑豆漿發酵並探討異黃酮去醣基化效率及生理活性之研究。
15.Shin-Ping Lin, Kuan-Chen Cheng (2013) ; Continuous Bacterial Cellulose Production in a PCS Rotating Disk Bioreactor.2013
International Conference on Life Science & Biological Engineering, Tokyo.
16.Cheng, Kuan-Chen*, Sin-Ping Lin, Kuan-I Chen (2013) ; Semi-continuous bacterial cellulose production in a rotating disk pcs
bioreactor. Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), San Diego, CA, USA. (Poster# 3), p. 32.
17.Cheng, Kuan-Chen, Jiun-Yi Wu, Wen-Hsiung Liu (2013) ; Enhancements of isoflavone aglycones, total phenolic content and
antioxidant activity in fermented black soybean by Rhizopus spp. Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB),
San Diego, CA, USA. (Poster# 5), p. 32.
18.Cheng, K.-C. and X. Pua (2014) ;Optimization of glucose release from taro peel waste for lactic acid bacteria cultivation. Society for
Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), St. Luis, MO, USA. (Poster# 28), p. 50.
19.Cheng, K.-C. and C.T. Chen (2014) ;Effect of plasticizers and cross-linking degrees on the physical properties of modified pullulan
films. Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB), St. Luis, MO, USA. (Poster# 30), p. 50.
20.許凱迪、王繼欣、黃姿蓉、鄭光成 (2014) ; Effects of Ganoderma formosanum extracts on tyrosinase activity. 台灣食品科學年會,
高雄。海報編號:B012。第144 頁。
21.邱宇彤、劉嚞睿、鄭光成 (2014)。具致癌物降解能力之乳酸菌株篩選。台灣食品科學技術學會第四十四次會員大會。海報編號:B058。第147頁。
22.陳惠媛、劉嚞睿、鄭光成 (2014)。蜂王漿及蜂蛹蛋白水解物中降血壓肽之研究。台灣食品科學技術學會第四十四次會員大會。海報編號:A050。
23.黃奕尊、鄭光成 (2015)。Development of a pulluan bioactive package system to extend shelf life of frozen Tilapia Fillets. Biomaterials
International 2015 .paper ID 1112
24.吳偉豪、劉文雄、鄭光成(2015)。 利用芋頭農業資材以嗜高溫酵母菌kluyveromyces marxianus K21發酵生產乙醇之研究。第16屆中華
25.黃姿蓉、許凱迪、陳俊榮、鄭光成(2015)。Skin Whitening Effects from Extracts of Submerged Cultures of Ganoderma weberianum.
26.許凱迪、王繼欣、黃姿蓉、鄭光成(2015)。Anti-melanogenic Activity of Ganoderma formosanum Extracts.台灣保健食品學會2015年
27. OMICS 研討會
28. 朱成揚、羅翊禎、鄭光成、呂廷璋、王如邦、林佩吟 (2015)。酵母菌在PCS固定化系統內對羅漢果皂苷的生物機轉之研究 (A103)。第五十三
29. 林欣平、蔡侑珊、曾天倪、黃尹宣、鄭光成 (2015)。Production of bacterial cellulose with various additives in PCS rotating disk
bioreactor and its material properties analysis (A105)。第五十三屆臺灣農業化學會。六月三十號,臺北,台灣。第50頁。(優良壁報論文獎)
30. 李穎欣、黃珮珊、鄭光成、羅翊禎 (2015)。茶葉廢棄物之萃取物對於抑制金黃色葡萄球菌生成生物膜之評估 (A102)。第五十三屆臺灣農業
1. Catchmark, J. M., K. C. Cheng and A. Demirci. (2009) ; Enhanced production of microbial cellulose.. Technical Association of the Pulp
and Paper Industry International Conference on Nanotechnology for the Forest Products Industry. Edmonton, Canada. June 25.
2. Cheng, K.C. ( 2011) ; Applications of PCS biofilm reactor in fermentation/ bioconversion: Bacterial cellulose production as an
example. Institute of Food Science and Technology, National Taiwan University. Taipei, Taiwan. Apr 13.
3. Cheng, K.C. (2011) ;Applications of PCS biofilm reactor in fermentation/ bioconversion: Bacterial cellulose production as an example.
Department of Animal Sciences, University of Florida. Gainesville, FL, USA. May 2.
4. Cheng, K.C. ( 2012) ;The future and prospect of food fermentation. International Fermentation Town Solidarity Meeting. Jeonju, Korean..
5. Cheng, K.C. ( 2013) ;Isoflavone aglycones enrichment in soymilk by agricultural waste-based immobilized b-glucosidase. The First EITA
Conference on Agricultural Science and Technology, Biosystems Engineering, Ithaca, New York, USA. June 27-28.
6. Cheng, K.C. (2013) ;Bioconversion of isoflavone glucosides to aglycones in black soybean using immobilized enzyme system. Joint
International Conference on Agriculture. Nov. 27, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan. pp. 99~119.
7. Cheng, K.C. (2013) ; Fermentation Biotechnology Workshop in Taiwan. Application of biofilms in bioconversion/fermentation, pp.12.
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. 2013.10.21.
8. Cheng, K.C. (2013) ; International Symposium on Novel Application of Algal Biomass Resources. Biofuels production from microalgae:
from benchtop to outdoors, pp. 2. National Taiwan Ocean University. 2013.10.25.
9. Cheng, K.C. (2014) ;Improvement on Physical property of crosslinked pullulan films for food packaging. International Conference on
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