----- Institute of Food Science & Technology (食品科技研究所)
----- Institue of Biotechnology (生物科技研究所)
University of Arizona
Iowa State University
University of Florida
National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
National Central University (Taiwan)
Natioanl Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
National Taiwan Ocean University (Taiwan)
台灣科技部 (MOST)
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA, USA)
Department of Energy (DOE, USA)
National Science Foundation (NSF, USA)
NCBI - Largest database for molecular biology and biotechnology
MATHWORLD- Resource for math
TSA- Taiwanses Association
Gamma Sigma Delta- The Honor Society of Agriculture.
Alpha Epsilon- The Honor Society of Agric., Food, and Biological Engineering.
Institute of Biological Engineering (IBE)
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
Taiwan Agricultural Chemistry Association (台灣農業化學會)
Tools (百寶箱)
1. 國際期刊投稿流程說明 (Chinese version) [Response sample]
2. 推薦信撰寫規定
3. 微生物培養與基礎實驗操作 格蘭氏染色法
4. 論文撰寫方法 - 台大 馮丁樹 教授
5. 防止抄襲網站 (http://www.dustball.com/cs/plagiarism.checker/)
6. 外國人用台語教你正確英文發音 (http://youtu.be/CK7TkeK-hOk)
Interests (個人興趣)
念書, 做研究只是生命的一部分; 在認真之餘, 請抽空陪陪家人以及關心自己的朋友們. 出去郊外走走, 給自己
Let's Go! 中信兄弟!